Gait has been used in clinical and healthcare applications to assess the physical and cognitive health of older adults. Acoustic based gait detection is a promising approach to collect gait data of older adults passively and non-intrusively. However, there has been limited work in developing acoustic based gait detectors that can operate in noisy polyphonic acoustic scenes of homes and care homes. We attribute this to the lack of good quality gait datasets from the real-world to train a gait detector on. In this paper, we put forward a novel machine learning based filter which can triage gait audio samples suitable for training machine learning models for gait detection. The filter achieves this by eliminating noisy samples at an f(1) score of 0.85 and prioritising gait samples with distinct spectral features and minimal noise. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the filter, we train and evaluate a deep learning model on gait datasets collected from older adults with and without applying the filter. The model registers an increase of 25 points in its f(1) score on unseen real-word gait data when trained with the filtered gait samples. The proposed filter will help automate the task of manual annotation of gait samples for training acoustic based gait detection models for older adults in indoor environments.
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Complex and contact-rich robotic manipulation tasks, particularly those that involve multi-fingered hands and underactuated object manipulation, present a significant challenge to any control method. Methods based on reinforcement learning offer an appealing choice for such settings, as they can enable robots to learn to delicately balance contact forces and dexterously reposition objects without strong modeling assumptions. However, running reinforcement learning on real-world dexterous manipulation systems often requires significant manual engineering. This negates the benefits of autonomous data collection and ease of use that reinforcement learning should in principle provide. In this paper, we describe a system for vision-based dexterous manipulation that provides a "programming-free" approach for users to define new tasks and enable robots with complex multi-fingered hands to learn to perform them through interaction. The core principle underlying our system is that, in a vision-based setting, users should be able to provide high-level intermediate supervision that circumvents challenges in teleoperation or kinesthetic teaching which allow a robot to not only learn a task efficiently but also to autonomously practice. Our system includes a framework for users to define a final task and intermediate sub-tasks with image examples, a reinforcement learning procedure that learns the task autonomously without interventions, and experimental results with a four-finger robotic hand learning multi-stage object manipulation tasks directly in the real world, without simulation, manual modeling, or reward engineering.
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Reference-based Super-Resolution (Ref-SR) has recently emerged as a promising paradigm to enhance a low-resolution (LR) input image or video by introducing an additional high-resolution (HR) reference image. Existing Ref-SR methods mostly rely on implicit correspondence matching to borrow HR textures from reference images to compensate for the information loss in input images. However, performing local transfer is difficult because of two gaps between input and reference images: the transformation gap (e.g., scale and rotation) and the resolution gap (e.g., HR and LR). To tackle these challenges, we propose C2-Matching in this work, which performs explicit robust matching crossing transformation and resolution. 1) To bridge the transformation gap, we propose a contrastive correspondence network, which learns transformation-robust correspondences using augmented views of the input image. 2) To address the resolution gap, we adopt teacher-student correlation distillation, which distills knowledge from the easier HR-HR matching to guide the more ambiguous LR-HR matching. 3) Finally, we design a dynamic aggregation module to address the potential misalignment issue between input images and reference images. In addition, to faithfully evaluate the performance of Reference-based Image Super-Resolution under a realistic setting, we contribute the Webly-Referenced SR (WR-SR) dataset, mimicking the practical usage scenario. We also extend C2-Matching to Reference-based Video Super-Resolution task, where an image taken in a similar scene serves as the HR reference image. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed C2-Matching significantly outperforms state of the arts on the standard CUFED5 benchmark and also boosts the performance of video SR by incorporating the C2-Matching component into Video SR pipelines.
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Dynamic evaluation of language models (LMs) adapts model parameters at test time using gradient information from previous tokens and substantially improves LM performance. However, it requires over 3x more compute than standard inference. We present Fast Weight Layers (FWLs), a neural component that provides the benefits of dynamic evaluation much more efficiently by expressing gradient updates as linear attention. A key improvement over dynamic evaluation is that FWLs can also be applied at training time so the model learns to make good use of gradient updates. FWLs can easily be added on top of existing transformer models, require relatively little extra compute or memory to run, and significantly improve language modeling perplexity.
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The task of motion forecasting is critical for self-driving vehicles (SDVs) to be able to plan a safe maneuver. Towards this goal, modern approaches reason about the map, the agents' past trajectories and their interactions in order to produce accurate forecasts. The predominant approach has been to encode the map and other agents in the reference frame of each target agent. However, this approach is computationally expensive for multi-agent prediction as inference needs to be run for each agent. To tackle the scaling challenge, the solution thus far has been to encode all agents and the map in a shared coordinate frame (e.g., the SDV frame). However, this is sample inefficient and vulnerable to domain shift (e.g., when the SDV visits uncommon states). In contrast, in this paper, we propose an efficient shared encoding for all agents and the map without sacrificing accuracy or generalization. Towards this goal, we leverage pair-wise relative positional encodings to represent geometric relationships between the agents and the map elements in a heterogeneous spatial graph. This parameterization allows us to be invariant to scene viewpoint, and save online computation by re-using map embeddings computed offline. Our decoder is also viewpoint agnostic, predicting agent goals on the lane graph to enable diverse and context-aware multimodal prediction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the urban Argoverse 2 benchmark as well as a novel highway dataset.
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To apply federated learning to drug discovery we developed a novel platform in the context of European Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) project MELLODDY (grant n{\deg}831472), which was comprised of 10 pharmaceutical companies, academic research labs, large industrial companies and startups. The MELLODDY platform was the first industry-scale platform to enable the creation of a global federated model for drug discovery without sharing the confidential data sets of the individual partners. The federated model was trained on the platform by aggregating the gradients of all contributing partners in a cryptographic, secure way following each training iteration. The platform was deployed on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) multi-account architecture running Kubernetes clusters in private subnets. Organisationally, the roles of the different partners were codified as different rights and permissions on the platform and administrated in a decentralized way. The MELLODDY platform generated new scientific discoveries which are described in a companion paper.
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Language models (LMs) now excel at many tasks such as few-shot learning, question answering, reasoning, and dialog. However, they sometimes generate unsupported or misleading content. A user cannot easily determine whether their outputs are trustworthy or not, because most LMs do not have any built-in mechanism for attribution to external evidence. To enable attribution while still preserving all the powerful advantages of recent generation models, we propose RARR (Retrofit Attribution using Research and Revision), a system that 1) automatically finds attribution for the output of any text generation model and 2) post-edits the output to fix unsupported content while preserving the original output as much as possible. When applied to the output of several state-of-the-art LMs on a diverse set of generation tasks, we find that RARR significantly improves attribution while otherwise preserving the original input to a much greater degree than previously explored edit models. Furthermore, the implementation of RARR requires only a handful of training examples, a large language model, and standard web search.
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关于信息检索的许多最新研究集中在如何从一项任务(通常具有丰富的监督数据)转移到有限的其他各种任务,并隐含地假设可以从一个任务概括到所有其余的任务。但是,这忽略了这样一个事实,即有许多多样化和独特的检索任务,每个任务都针对不同的搜索意图,查询和搜索域。在本文中,我们建议使用几乎没有散热的检索,每个任务都有一个简短的描述和一些示例。为了扩大一些示例的功能,我们提出了针对检索器(即将到来)的及时基本查询生成,该查询将大型语言模型(LLM)作为几个弹片查询生成器,并根据生成的数据创建特定于任务的检索器。通过LLM的概括能力提供动力,即要来源使得可以仅基于一些示例{没有自然问题或MS MARCO来训练%问题生成器或双重编码器,就可以仅基于一些示例{没有}来创建特定于任务的端到端检索。出乎意料的是,LLM提示不超过8个示例,允许双重编码器在MARCO(例如Colbert V2)上训练的大量工程模型平均在11个检索套件中超过1.2 NDCG。使用相同生成数据的进一步培训标准尺寸的重新级别可获得5.0点NDCG的改进。我们的研究确定,查询产生比以前观察到的更有效,尤其是在给出少量特定于任务知识的情况下。
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从汽车和交通检测到自动驾驶汽车系统,可以将街道对象的对象检测应用于各种用例。因此,找到最佳的对象检测算法对于有效应用它至关重要。已经发布了许多对象检测算法,许多对象检测算法比较了对象检测算法,但是很少有人比较了最新的算法,例如Yolov5,主要是侧重于街道级对象。本文比较了各种单阶段探测器算法; SSD MobilenetV2 FPN-Lite 320x320,Yolov3,Yolov4,Yolov5L和Yolov5S在实时图像中用于街道级对象检测。该实验利用了带有3,169张图像的修改后的自动驾驶汽车数据集。数据集分为火车,验证和测试;然后,使用重新处理,色相转移和噪音对其进行预处理和增强。然后对每种算法进行训练和评估。基于实验,算法根据推论时间及其精度,召回,F1得分和平均平均精度(MAP)产生了不错的结果。结果还表明,Yolov5L的映射@.5 of 0.593,MobileNetV2 FPN-Lite的推理时间最快,而其他推理时间仅为3.20ms。还发现Yolov5s是最有效的,其具有Yolov5L精度和速度几乎与MobilenetV2 FPN-Lite一样快。这表明各种算法适用于街道级对象检测,并且足够可行,可以用于自动驾驶汽车。
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本文旨在更深入地研究各种可用的模型,包括:InceptionV3,InceptionResnetv2,MobileNetV2和EdgitionNetB7使用转移学习,以对日本动画风格的角色面对面进行分类。本文表明,有效网络-B7的精度率最高,而85.08 \%top-1的精度,其次是MobileNetV2,其准确结果略有较低,但其益处的推理时间较低,所需参数数量较少。本文还使用了一些射击的学习框架,特别是原型网络,该网络可产生不错的结果,可以用作传统转移学习方法的替代方法。
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